Thursday, September 23, 2010

Four Years Ago...

Four years ago, I was eleven years-old. I was a lot shorter than how I am now, and went to Monroe Middle School. I had spiky hair, with glasses. In those days I could not go out as much as I could now. Also I couldn't text, which now four years later, even eight year-old have a phone that could text, which is funny to me! Four years ago, I could not wear free dress everyday, like I could now, I had to wear a crappy uniform. Last, at that time I think I couldn't even reach the pedals to a car, and now I can, and even have my permit to drive. YAYY!! =))

1 comment:

  1. "want" you mean went
    I got confused at the end of the sentence. It looks like you jumbled up your words.
