Sunday, October 31, 2010


1. Today I saw a car. The car was a 4 door sedan. The color was very nice, it was a vivid red. The 4 door sedan has white strips down the middle. This 4 door sedan was an Altima, that was parked in the driveway.

2. All clothing always start from a fabric. The cotton is used to make t-shirts. Such as a big red t-shirt. Many things can be added to this big red t-shirt, like a design in the middle. This design in the middle can be a Famous Star, which is one of my favorite types of t-shirts.

3. Everyone likes sweets. Although I only like small eatable sweets. My favorite type of small eatable sweets are candies. Candies that are red because usually a candy being red means the flavor is watermelon. You can never refuse a watermelon candy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The way we communicate now, has changed dramatically as we use to twenty years ago. The only way we could communicate twenty years ago was by letter, phone, or you would actually have to go speak to the person. Now there are all sorts of communication devices that help us communicate such as cell phones, Internet, cameras, video games, and computers. With these devices you can chat around the world instantly, when twenty years ago, it would take a week or so for your letter to arrive around the world. Although as always, there are some bad parts to it, these devices are not that affordable, and some people become addicted to the types of communication, which sometimes causes them to lose their jobs. Another problem that is becoming more popular, is that people are losing their skills to talk face to face with another person, because their use to only talking via computer or phone. This is bad because, when you need a job, you will most likely get interviewed, but if you do not know how to talk properly to another person, you will not get hired. Last is texting, texting has created a whole new type of language, which shortens words or spells a word in a different manner. When your use to this, it sticks to you, and makes you even write like that, which is improper way of writing. I think that communications now are much better than before, but the problems that they are causing aren’t good for the people.

For the Teachers...

Teachers do not like to be told how to do their job, but some need to do their job differently. Although this does not apply to all teachers, some teachers are fun, cool, understanding, and respect all their students equally, that is the way I think all teachers should be. Teachers assign their students too much work sometimes, when they also have other class’s work to do. This causes a student to stress and potentially get bad grade’s for that class and others as well. This is why I say teachers should leave a reasonable amount of homework, which would still let students do their homework for all other classes. Also students have other priorities at home that are personal.  Teachers always say that school is our main priority, which is, but there are also other priorities that we have to do out of school. Another issue that teachers should change, is how they treat students, some teachers seem to have a grudge on students once students see this, that is when students might stop doing that teachers work, because if a teacher wants respect from a student, he/she should respect students back as how the teacher would want to be respected. Problems as there should be fixed, so that school could be better, and students would be stress free.


Once a person has conveniences, their life can change. This sometimes is in a bad manner, such as a teenager getting pregnant; her conveniences are going to change from school to her baby. This incident can change her life forever because her chances of going to college are jeopardized, although it is possible, but it will be extremely difficult. In some cases the teenage has to drop out of school, once her baby is born, so that she can take care of him or her, and also work. Conveniences can change someone’s life dramatically, because they make you make decisions that you might not like, but you have to. Although sometimes you might think it results in a bad situation, but in the end it results in a good manner. This can apply to work, you may be relaxing or having fun with your family, but then all of a sudden you have to go to work because someone else called in sick. You might miss out on all the fun, but your paycheck is going to come out bigger for the overtime you did. Conveniences are your most important things on your mind that is why you should always try to just make the best decisions that do not affect your conveniences.  

Person's Fame...

Everyone wishes that they can be rich, and have all the money in the world. Although sometimes, when you do have it, it makes you change and not do positive things with your money. For example, when people win the lottery they are excited, but then you go out shopping like there’s no tomorrow, and sooner or later become bankrupt, and also in debt. This is the most common, but there is also when people go out shopping and vacationing, but do not know what to do anymore. They got all they ever wanted, the big house, nice cars, and all the best clothes, but now they just sit in their big house like a couch potatoes. When this happens, people get depressed and sometimes lead to them hunting themselves, becoming sick or even suicide. This does not just happen to lottery winners, it also happens to celebrities. Celebrities have a lot of money, a lot of work, a lot of paparazzi, which leads to stress. When they become stressed, they use their money to buy drugs, which also sadly sometimes leads to death. There have been many great and famous celebrities that have passed away, because of those. I think a great solution for this would be to do good and positive things with your money such as, give back to your community, or start a foundation for the one’s in need. Everyone thinks that money would turn their life around, and become the happiest person in the world, although sometimes it ruins your life.

Global Warming...

There are many environmental problems right now, but I think the most important is global warming; currently it is affecting us in all types and manners. It is changing our weather our weather and creating bigger storms than ever before. They are trying to fight it already, but it not enough. Instead of continuing to fight in wars, and wasting billions of dollars a year, we should be investing that into research to stop global; warming. All of those billions of dollars a year, put as in deep debt, I would understand if this money would go for a good cause, such as global warming. I think we need more people and countries supporting the cause to stop global warming, because even if the regular civilians a big impact, if countries come together on an agreement to stop global warming. Global warming is a big environmental problem, if we do not do anything about it, then as well all not all kinds of big natural disasters will start occurring. Some things that we normal civilians can do  to help is  try to buy vehicle’s  that have an SLEV tag, that stands for super low emissions vehicle, or it can be as simple as buying better environmental friendly light bulbs that also save energy. We need to do this for our mother earth, as she takes care of us; we need to take care of her also.

Public Health Concern...

It is funny how this country says that it is for the people, but it also funny how much things they let major corporations to the people that are not healthy. One great example of this is the food we by. Most of the foods that we buy now have gmo’s or genetically modified organisms. This makes the food seem a little better or bigger, so it can seem like were paying a reasonable price for it. Although in reality this food is unhealthy, we do not know what those gmo’s contain. This is why, the United States, has one of the biggest problems with diabetes. This death problem was usually common for older people, but now even children as young as five are getting it as well. The main case of this is the food that is in the market. The sad part of it is that, there is no way to escape it, if those are the only products on the market, other fast foods such as Mc Donald’s or your nearest grocery store. Diabetes can also lead to death, if it gets worse; now imagine a five year old passing away because of diabetes, which is terrible. This country needs to do something about this problem. It is said that diabetes is to get worse in the future, if it stays the same as now.

Teenage Smoking...

Smoking is a deadly substance when abused too much. It is the same as alcohol, and also can be accessed by teens easily as well. Teenagers and sometimes even younger children have access to cigarettes. This is very bad because cigarettes have many harmful chemicals. These chemicals can cause very serious illnesses such as cancer, which in some cases it results in death. Unfortunately teenagers are victims of this also that affects their life greatly in the long run. When someone smokes too much, it starts to affect their body, especially their lungs. Our lungs take in everything we breathe, when you smoke, all your taking into your body, is harmful smoke. After some time of smoking your lungs start to look black and not normal. This affects your breathing, when you can’t breathe right; you get tired fast and start coughing. Now normally this starts happening to older people, but this also happens to young teenagers, which are still young and healthy. Once their lungs get infected, their healthy body is gone. They no longer can run and play sports that they loved. Cigarettes are one of those products that are still legal even though, they are the cause for thousands of deaths every year. They should be made illegal, to stop this madness, and save millions of people’s lives now and in the future, including teenagers.


Do you think mathematics is important? Well, I do, it is used in almost all areas of life. You learn it from when you start school until you literally pass away. Within time new problems will evolve, which means that someone is going to come up with a new way of solving it. That is why math is a never ending subject, which is essential to having a good life. When you grow or become independent, and move out your parent’s house, you will need to buy your own place. When you are in the process of buying it, you need to look at the place to see if it will fit your budget. Then you need to make calculations on how much the monthly bills would come out to be. How are you going to do this? With math, maybe you might need some equations from algebra, or it might be simple math, but then you still need to know the foundations of math to know what to do. Also another example is by knowing how much money you have without going to the bank to check. This is called balancing your check book out. Balancing your check book out is pretty difficult, you need to keep track of everything you spent, and then record it in your check book. After you need to check if the money was actually taken out of your account. Until you finally sum up all the amounts, and subtract it from your balance. That is how you balance your check book out, with math. Math is a subject we all need to know, because it is everywhere.


Food is our primary diet, without it no one or animal could be able to survive. Although there are thousands if not, millions of different types of foods that a person can eat. One reason for this is their culture. Everyone’s cultures have different foods, because of the environment. You cannot grow the same types of foods everywhere, some are not meant for the heat or some are not meant for the cold winter. In other words, when there’s a change of environment, there’s a change of food. Another reason is for example a body builder; they need a lot of calories a day to provide them with enough energy to do their job. They need food that will supply them with plenty of protein such as, vegetables and meat. The normal calories, a regular person needs a day, is about 2,500 calories a day. A body builder might need five times or up to ten times that amount. That means they can practically eat anything they want, because they’re going to burn it off later in the gym. Last, is a person called a vegetarian? They usually only eat vegetables, or healthy foods that does not consist of red meat. Some do it to stay healthy, but others do it, so they won’t eat animals. There also foods, that are made for vegetarians, that make it seem like it is meat, but in reality it is not. All of these are examples of different types of people that need to eat, according to their circumstances.


The Internet is a vast, never ending space, also known as cyberspace. Although it consists of two kinds of people, the users and the providers. The purposes of the Internet for the users, are a long list, but for the popular ones are for entertainment, research, and sometimes for money. When I mean by entertainment, it has its own list. In these days there are all types of entertainment on the Internet, which the most popular are social networks, such as Facebook and MySpace. Both are well known throughout the world, they entertain people because they let you have contact with your friends as well. Another type of entertainment on the Internet is television. If you miss an episode of your favorite show, you can watch it on the Internet to catch up. Those are two major types of entertainment, now research; many use the Internet for school or for pure curiosity of wanting to find something out. Last is to make money, the Internet can give a normal person to be an entrepreneur. A famous website for doing this is EBay; they let you sell new and used things all across the world from your home. That is the power of the Internet, and what it can do for the users. The products are the people that supply the Internet with all these different types of websites. Their main concern is for their website to become popular, so that they could get more money. Although not all, some are non-profit organizations that just make websites to inform or show the public something, such as a cause to help animals. Users and providers are the people that make the Internet up, that is constantly growing.

Change of Plans...

There are many examples of when there needs to be a change of plans, but I think one that happens often, is when you have to change plans on the road. I also think it is a perfect example, because the road is unpredictable at all times, morning, afternoon, and midnight. Especially if your ate taking a long trip, such as out of state, there are going to be many road blocks, accidents, and distractions on the way to your destination. To go into more details, let’s say you are going to Las Vegas from Los Angeles. You might think it is a piece of cake, in three hours you will be there. Are you sure? Like I said earlier, the road is unpredictable, when you leave your home, you get onto the freeway, and twenty minutes into your trip you are already encountering traffic. Instead of staying in the traffic, you get out of the freeway, and go on the street, until you see the next entrance onto the freeway, so that you could skip the traffic. Once you’re on the freeway again for about an hour, you think you are not going to encounter another problem again, but sense you are traveling that means change of scenery and with change of scenery comes change of weather. Now it starts to rain, really hard. To avoid danger, you stop at the rest stop; sense there is nowhere else to stop. Until it finally clears up, and you continue you trip again, although as you can see on the road there are many problems that one has to overcome by making a change of plans.

Ideal Vacation...

When I think of an ideal vacation, I think of going to Europe. Europe has all the wonderful luxuries of the old world and the new world. There are so many cultures that are scattered through the vast countries that consist of Europe. Europe also has plenty of attractions that would take you quite an amount of time to visit them all. Although everyone does not go for the tourist attractions all of the time. That is why when I think of an ideal vacation, I also think of a calm and relaxing vacation, where you do not have to worry about anything. If I were to go to Europe, I would first visit the country side of Spain. To get a couple of days for my calm and relaxing vacation, but after I want to leave and head for the road. I would want to make it a road trip, so that I could see everything. By everything I mean, I want to see the scenarios, all the scents of the different cities, and eat all the types of foods that the beautiful continent of Europe has to offer. My trip would start from Spain then go all over Europe, until end up almost at the tip of it, and stop at Holland. I want to stop at Holland, because it is my favorite country in International soccer, but also I want to go to Amsterdam. I hear many good things about Amsterdam, so I would make that my last stop to end my Ideal vacation.

The City...

When someone is coming from a rural outdoor living to a city, it is going to be hectic at first. A city has a lot of commotion and action all at once, usually 24 hours a day, especially in a big city. Although there are good and bad sides about living in the city. First is the good side, it is good to live in the city, because you experience all the fun and excitement. You can go to a basketball game, then to the mall, and maybe even still catch a movie. That may seem a lot, but it is a lot of fun. When you live in the city you can hear all the cars and planes roaring by, but you can also experience the nice relaxing sounds of birds singing in the morning and wake up to a beautiful picture window next to you. All of this is city life, some love it and some just plain hate it. Although the bad side to it would be that, when you live in the country, you learn many things. You can learn how to harvest, grow and keep cattle, or simply learn life lessons, that cannot be taught anywhere else. Also, the country is also relaxing and quiet, which you will never get out of in the city, which is why some people like the country better, for its quietness. Nevertheless, the city is an interesting experience, which everyone should try, because you never know you may like it!

Two Different People...

When you think about it, you would think that you would never have something in common with someone, who lives around the world. If you compare the United States to Japan, they are two very different countries. Now imagine trying to compare or see if someone in Japan likes or has something in common with you. You would think, never in a million years. Well, I think there is a possibility, because everything in Japan is different, but have similar ideals to here in the United States. I think a great example would be video games; it connects people to play in one game room from all over the world. It is a great example, because you may never see or know the people you are playing with, and might have completely different backgrounds, but you still like the same video games. Cyberspace or the Internet also has the power to connect people in this type of way. Basically it is technology. Technology now in days can make anything possible. To end it off, there is always saying that I say to myself. If I thought about it already, someone across the world is or has thought about it already also, and I think those are the people that are my allies, that I share interest with, but have different backgrounds.


When a person is obese, there are many problems their life. The two main problems deal with their social and personal life. I think both affect the person equally because obesity is something you have to deal with physically and socially. It affects your personally because it puts your health in real danger, where as you need to be taking multiple pills a day. Obesity also affects you personally because it restrains you from what you want to do. Your mind might want to do something, but your body can not respond to to your commands, because it is too much weight. The second way it affects you, is socially. When people see an obese person on the streets, the first thing they do is start looking at them. Once their looking at them, people start criticizing everything about them. That is why many people that are obese, do not like to go out doors, because of criticism. This can cause many mental and self-esteem issues to a person. It can make them hurt themselves or even sometimes make them commit suicide. This is a big issue all around the world. Although I think this could and should be fixed. The food that they sell to us, is what I think the problem is, most of it is not healthy anymore. The numbers of obese people have gone up in the last few years, which is not good for our youth. Even though it is a big problem, they do not take our health into consideration.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting Your License at 16...

                                           Essay Prompt # 3
 Prompt: Most states allow people to get a driver’s license at the age of 16. Some people feel that 16 is much too young for the responsibility that comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not be allowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what age should people be allowed to drive, and why?
             Driving is a privilege that is earned. Everyone that has a license has earned it, even if your 16, by law you are eligible to drive. Teenagers are always criticized, when their behind the wheel, just because they might be 16. I do not think being 16 has anything to do with your driving which is why the DMV tests you, to see if you can handle driving a car. Also, once teenagers hit 16, is when they start having more priorities, such as work, school, and maybe sports. To do all this they might need a car, because for some teenagers that is the only option they have. Sixteen, in my opinion is the perfect age to get a license.
            Teenagers get criticized the most on the road. I think this is unfair because everyone went through the same process of getting your license and getting your first car. I myself am a teen that drives, and when I drive, I pay attention to the road, but older people have tried to cause problems just because I am young. I think this is another reason that some accidents happen, teenagers just like other people on the road want to be safe as well. Although when accidents happen, everyone thinks that the younger person did it for not paying attention, or for being foolish. Most of the time this is not the case and situations like this put a bad reputation for teenagers on the road.
            To get a license is not a simple process of going to the DMV and signing up for one. You have to first go to take classes at any driving school, for a whole week, nine hours a day, until they give a certificate that you passed the class. After you have to take that to the DMV and take a written test, which you only have three chances to pass. If passed then you have to wait six months to finally take your behind the wheel test. Don’t you think this process is enough to proof you can drive? I do, the whole process takes about a year, and all tens that drive went through this process as well. Anyone not only teens that went through this of getting their license, should be respected on the road.
             During the last two years of high school, teenagers have many more priorities on their shoulders. For example, the most important is getting to school, not all the students in every school live near it, some live far. Those students have to take multiple buses to get to school, which sometimes cause them to arrive late. That is why many teens cannot wait till they get their license, so that they can finally get to school on time. Teenagers have many needs that involve the using of a vehicle.
             For some people, letting teenagers get licenses at 16 might seem too young, but it is not. Teenagers deserve more respect on the road from everyone, because they earned their license. Some teens depend on their cars, without it they wouldn’t be able to succeed. Don’t take away what they depend on, it could be their future that you jeopardize!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Elderly People...

                           Elderly People
        Don’t you think that older aged drivers should be tested more often of their senses? During the past years elderly people have caused very big accidents, due to their eye sight or hearing. I think that the DMV should have specific tests for the elderly, that are designed to find out if their senses are still functioning properly or normal for their ages. You should be able to know that when you are in your car with your children, you should be able to trust that the elderly are able to hear the sounds of the road and properly see the road, as you do.
             In the past five years, elderly people have had accidents, which some were caused by their senses not properly working. I think it’s the DMV’s responsibility to tell or test the elderly, to make sure it’s still safe for them to drive. I don’t think that it’s the elderly entire fault for not knowing their senses aren’t working, because no one tells them their not functioning properly. Although if they notice something in their sight or hearing is not acting normal, they should go to their doctor immediately, to get a checkup. With that said, elderly people on the road can be dangerous at times without intention.
            The DMV should have special tests for people of older ages, which still drive. Since they have everyone’s information in their systems, they should have a program that tells them when someone has reached a certain age, and it should be time to test them. When it’s time to test people, it shouldn’t be the ordinary worker testing the elderly, they should hire doctors. A doctor can see if something is wrong with the person, just by seeing them, and besides that’s their profession. Also, if the elderly had any questions or experienced any problems with their senses at any time, they could ask the doctor. I think these are great suggestions for the DMV to notice and test elderly people.
            When you’re on the road, you need to be able to know that everyone on the road is alert and still able to drive safely. Sometimes, elderly people aren’t safe enough to be driving on the road. When you start to age, you cannot hear, see, or move as clear or as quickly as you use too when you were young. This is what happens to the elderly, but it’s not their fault, it comes with aging. That is why there needs to be a system to know when the elderly are simply too old to be on the road. You and your children deserve to be safe when you share the road with an elderly or simply anyone.
            In the end I am not saying that all the accidents on the road are caused by the elderly, because that is not true. People of all ages can cause big accidents, and can be not eligible to drive as well. Although, the elderly problems that come with aging cannot be fixed, and that is why I think they should be tested more often, to see if their still able to drive on the road. That’s a problem that we will have to deal with in matter of time, and someone needs to fix.

Community Service...

                                  Essay Prompt # 2
Prompt: Many junior high schools and high schools around the country now require students to spend a certain number of hours each term doing volunteer work or community service. Some people believe this is an excellent idea that promotes good citizenship and cultivates compassion. Others feel that forces volunteerism is not volunteerism at all. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
Wouldn’t you want your children to attend one of the best universities in the country? Most top universities want new incoming students to have certain character traits, such as responsibility and good citizenship. With these traits, top universities will know that those students will be responsible college students, which will get good grades. Recently in the last years, high schools have been making their students do community service, which I think is a great idea.
Community service is a life learning experience that all teens or children, should do when their old enough. As I said earlier, it helps you acquire character traits, that you will need in life in order to be successful. I know everyone has big dreams and want to achieve them. Although no one will achieve their dreams without having certain character traits, that will push them, that will show them perseverance. Community service shows this, because it pushes you to do your best, to help your community in every way you can, and to make it a better place than it might be already. Until you feel satisfied as a person, that you have done everything you can to help the poor, sick, and in need. There is no better way, but to learn this by community service.
It not only gives you special traits, but it also keeps teens out of bad influence. Many teens live around negative influences that can attract them at times, because of simple reasons, they do not have anything to do or peer pressure. This happens often every day, but one way that it can be stopped is by helping your community. Community service, entertains you, and at the same time, it teaches you life lessons or experiences. Sometimes, community service requires you to get your hands dirty, which is good. Most f the time, it will teach you how to plant or help your local mission cook for the homeless, which most teens do not know how to do. Little tools as those may be helpful to them in the future, to be as a hobby or to even be as experience for a new job.
Most importantly community service has a big impact in high schools and universities. Most high schools now require their students to do a certain amount of community service hours to graduate. This requirement is good, t was made to give a chance to the students to learn and help their community. Although it was also made, so that the universities could see the students help and care about their community, and have learned life experiences while doing it. This shows universities that the students have grown and matured, universities like this because there is a lot of freedom in college, which is why they want students that have certain character traits such as responsibility. I support this idea heavily, it helps students in a way that nothing else can.
This whole idea is about helping students, in their life, and in their education. Community service is a perfect way to help your community in a positive manner, while you complete your hours for you school. I support this concept and strongly advise you as well too, because it will someday help your child as well.

Human Cloning...

                                              Human Cloning
     Human cloning has always been a question to everyone and if it will ever be possible. There are people and scientists all over the world that support and go against for a number of reasons. There are many reasons that you can go against it or for it, such as bad experimentation or eternal life. I personally myself go against it for reasons that I will specify in this essay.
          The pros of human cloning are many but there are a few that stand out. Eternal life, there are many people trying to find out ways to live forever and I think cloning in a way makes you live forever. Even though you’re true-self may pass away; your clone or same appearance is still here like if you were never gone. Another pro is that a clone can serve as donor of an organ that you may need to live longer. An example of this can be seen on the film “The Island” or the novel The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer.
         The cons of human cloning are to be seen from all perspectives of what’s happening in the world. If human cloning is possible then I don’t think they’ll be enough space for all the clones that would be made because our world is almost full of people. Also if clones were made, I don’t think they’ll give them the power to think or feel, but if something goes wrong then the clones can find out how their being treated and revolt. Last it could harm someone if the procedure doesn’t go well or even a mutation could be possible because the technology or research would not be correct.
          My view on human cloning is against it because of many reasons. First of all because to me it would be cruelty and taking advantage of someone or “something” for your own good, which eventually in my opinion everyone is going to pass away, no matter what. Second, it would cause too much chaos in the world, and take our bigger problems of the world out of consideration, such as global warming. Also human cloning would cause a whole new era of identity theft. For example if someone were to get another person’s genes and clone them, they could use the clone to act is if it was the original person, this would create a huge problem. Last, because it would challenge, what’s human and what’s not, this would be a big problem because many people would discriminate or challenge themselves.          
          In the end I think human cloning is for the big or rich people that want to live forever and have the money to afford. Not everyone will be able to afford it, if it becomes possible. That’s why I think people will take advantage of it and cause harm with it, in different ways that can affect us in small ways or in tremendous ways. Human cloning for now is science fiction that is slowly becoming reality, but I think it should just stay science fictional, and that is why you should also support the cause against human cloning.

Personal Experience...

A personal experience that I will never forget is when I learned how to swim. It was five years-ago, during the summer. My family and I were really bored and wanted to go somewhere, since it was hot! We decided to go to a lake, which was about two hours away from my hometown, Inglewood. My whole family went with us, when we got there, the lake was full of people playing games, swimming, or just resting on the soft sandy beach. When we were all done getting our things off the truck, we headed toward the water. I went with my father, then I saw a person swimming, it looked like she was gliding on the smooth surface of the water. Instantly I told my Father, that I wanted to learn how to swim. He told me "OK, but it won't be as easy, as it looks." I told him, "I know, but I still want to learn how to, so that I can practice when I can." I was very excited to learn, we went into the water and played around for a little while, after I told him I was ready to learn. He told me to lie on his hands, so that my body would lay flat on top of the water. He then told me to stretch out my legs and arms, so that I can paddle with my arms and do a kick motion with my legs. He kept me on that position for quite some time. After a few minutes, he said, "OK I am going to let you go." "I said OK dad." When he let me go, i did everything he had told me, and little by little, I actually was moving forward. When I got up to get a breath of air, he said, "You did it son!" As soon as he said that, I jumped up in happiness. From that day on I knew how to swim, and that is why it was one of my happiest days in my life!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Being A Veterinarian...

When considering to be a doctor, I would choose to be a veterinarian. I would rather be a veterinarian, because I personally would not like to operate on a person. I could not be able to stand seeing all the internal organs, and blood; I would stand watching it, but not do it as a living or profession. I would prefer animals because I grew up around them, so I know how they are. Also it would be less intense as a veterinarian than a regular doctor, but I would still be getting the same experience as a regular doctor. All in all, I just love animals, and would prefer to be a veterinarian.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Twenty-Feet Tall...

When I imagine myself being twenty-feet tall, I imagine myself being invincible. Being that tall would mean nothing could stop me, I could play any sport or help people in special circumstances. I would see it as a gift, and that I was meant to be twenty-feet tall for a special reason. Although the only down side to being that tall, would be, my health. I know that when your too tall, you have many problems with your health, including your knees, your heart, and your bones. That would, unfortunately mean, that my life span would be short. Nevertheless, I would not think about the negative problems, I would just life my life to the fullest.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Something that I think I am really good at, is soccer. Soccer has always and will forever be my passion. My father taught me how to play it since I was a small child. I have played in sever teams through-out my life, from AYSO to Club soccer teams. When I was in club, I carried my team to a few finals in tournaments, which i was proud of, even if we won or not. I may not be the greatest soccer player in the world, but I try my best, and always play my heart out in the field. I love this sport, and I will continue playing it, until God chooses to stop me.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Custom Made Sandwich...

When it comes to making my own sandwich, I am going to put all my favorite things on it. My sandwich would be called the Deli Deluxe, because it would mostly be made up of fresh produce. First, my bread would be Sara Lee, Ultra Soft, made of wheat, then put it in the toaster. After I would put mayonnaise and a little bit of mustard, with a big piece of Monterrey Jack cheese to melt inside the bread. Next, it would have lettuce and tomato, with four slices of turkey on top. Last to add a bit of spice to it, I would add two banana pepper's to it. Then it would be time to eat my ultimate, delicious, mouth watering sandwich. YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

When I Won Something...

I haven't really won anything, but what comes to my mind, is when I won third place with my soccer team. This was a few years ago, I played defense in my soccer team. Through out the league, we did good, but sadly we didn't qualify to play for first place. That day we were going to play against a bigger and faster team. We weren't scared, but we were nervous. The game was even, we both scored a goal, and finally had to go to penalties. Our coach picked the players, that were going to kick, because we were all too nervous, to volunteer. I was one of those, when t was my turn to kick, I was very nervous, but I managed to get through it and scored. Although the other team missed, and it was up to us to score. When it was my teammates turn to kick, it was like if it was in slow-motion, he kicked and scored. We all ran towards him and celebrated!


If I had the chance to have any superpower I would pick, to be able to fly. I think flying is the best superpower to have, because it can help you when you need to get anywhere you want, or when someone or something is in trouble in the sky. For example, if your late to school or work, then you can fly there because there isn't any traffic in the air. With flying as a superpower anything is possible, and you can experience freedom like no other way.

Any Family Member...

If I were to choose any family member to spend some time with, it would be my cousin Jose. I would pick my cousin Jose, because we are about the same age, and we literally grew-up together. We both know each other, and like similar things. When were together, we always do fun things. It can be from either going to the park or to going to play paintball, with our friends. We also play video games or simply just hang out with our friends. That's why i would hang-out with my cousin Jose.

Friday, October 1, 2010

10 Haiku's...

1.Vans are the best shoes
they come in every color
you should go buy some.

2.Soccer is the best
your adrenaline pumps
when you win a game.

3.Shuffle in the sky
to the hard style beat
when you cant get sleep.

4.With my headphones on
I can shuffle forever
no one can stop me.

5.With vans on my feet
I can shuffle all night
so don't bother me

6.Blackberry on had
my music bumping loud
I'm ready to shuffle.

7.To hot in the day
I'm a raver all night long
that is my style.

8.Do you feel the beat?
your heart beating more faster
That is my music.

9.Listen to the beat
let it take over your feet
all while in the heat.

10.Writing ten haiku's
on my gray computer chair
wasn't all to bad.