Thursday, December 16, 2010

Essay Prompt #10...

                          Essay Prompt #10
Prompt: Some people think that school cafeterias should be required to provide low-fat and/or vegetarian lunch options to accommodate the eating habits of all students. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position and use specific reasons and examples as support.
           Students should be having healthier foods to eat all over the country, although they should be something that the students like, not just any foods. Many schools around the country have changed what they serve their students to eat; instead of any foods they are now serving healthier foods. The only problem with this is that the foods they are serving the students now are not that great tasting and most students do not like to eat them. I think the best way to resolve this problem is by letting the students pick out of a list of healthy foods to eat. This would make the students actually want to get breakfast and lunch, and not skipping out on eating because the bad choices of food that the schools are serving.
Now that we have realized, that this generation has more overweight children than any other; it has caught the attention of schools to choose different types of foods to serve their students. Now they are serving healthier foods that have fewer calories and less fat than the foods they use to serve in schools. Although when they switched their options, I do not think they took the students into consideration. I know many people that do not like to eat what the school serves for breakfast or lunch because they do not like the taste of it. This is bad because it can cause students to starve and lose weight, which might not be good for their health.
It would be best for the students to pick the healthy foods they want, because they are the ones eating it and should have a say in it. There are many options that the students can pick from such as from small companies or big well know companies, like Subway. All the students would love subway because it is great tasting and still healthy at the same time, just as the schools want to serve lunch. Another example is that students could choose their favorite fruits or yogurts to serve as well with their lunch, to make it a full healthy lunch. This is why I think students should have a say in what they want to eat, so that they
It is important for the students to get the right lunch they want, because some students do not eat the whole day at school until they go back home. This is a bad problem because your system and especially your brain cannot function right without food. This also can affect their diet meaning it is going to make them eat wrong and not the normal three times a day, they might just eat twice or even once a day. Students not having the proper diet can affect their performance in school and can also harm their own body. That is why all students should eat properly every day.
Healthy foods are important for our society to survive, and that is why I agree with school serving healthier foods to students. Although the only problem that I think needs to be fixed is the types of healthy foods that they are serving to students. It should be a desirable food that anyone would want, without hesitating about it. The healthy foods should be changed for the greater good of our students

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Favorite Season...

My favorite season of the year has got to be, fall. Fall is my favorite because it's still kind of summer, but winter is kicking in at the same time, so it is not as hot, as in summer. The only bad part of Fall, is that school has started, and we can't stay up late, as we did in summer. Although in Fall, when you look outside, all the greenery starts to change in front of your eyes. Trees change colors, their leaves turn into a beautiful, bright, and warm yellow color, which lightens up the road or walkway; even though it can be a hassle to clean-up. Fall brings you many amazing things, that only happen once a year, that is why it is my favorite season of all.

Making a New Friend...

There are millions of ways to make a new friend. Some ways to make a new friend is by being friendly to everyone, and not being shy to introduce yourself to a new crowd. When you introduce youself to new crowds, and keep on talking is them, they are going to become your friends. Another way to make new friends is to be helpful to someone, when they need help. Although the most popular way currently is to be involved ina social netwrok such as Facebook or Myspace. Too many people it is better because it is faster and easier to them, to talk to them on the internet. On the other side I do not recommend that because  it takes away the experience of actually meeting the person face to face. That is why I think the best way to make a new friend is to personally go up to them, and introduce yourself to make it a better experience. 

My Favorite Game...

I have many favorite games, but the one that I like the best is Call Of Duty. This game is for Xbox 360, and it portrays many of the wars that we have been in, or are currently in. I like this game because it has a lot of action, and keeps you excited throughout the whole experience. Even once you pass the stroy mode, you can keep on passing it, because it is very fun and exciting. Also, besides the story mode, there is a different mode called online, which lets you play live against real life players around the world, from maps that were from the story mode. I also like it because it is realistic. The creators took advantage of our technology now, and put in the latest graphics into it. This makes it seem like all the actions are really happening infront of your eyes. When I play this game, I cannot get bored of it because, I do not know what to expect in the next second, it never gets old. It is also a franchise, so their always constantly releasing new games, that are new stories and characters. This is why I like this game, because I feel I get my money's worth, and even more!

Impulse Buying...

Many people like to go shopping, but some go shopping for a relief of stress, or just because they are bored. There are many people that are affected by this problem, it is like an addiction. People that have this problem are in debt, and do not have a way out of it. Although they continue to buy things, because it is just an impulse to have to buy something. As I said before it is also to relieve themselves of stress that they have. Just as a drug can ruin someone, impulse buying is the same. It can ruin their lives and their credit, because most people get toms of credit cards to go out and buy things, but never pey their payments. Then this affects your credit, which is necessary for many things to buy things on payments, to buying a car, or a house. Once you have a bad credit, none of the banks, or anyone period, would trust you to let you borrow money. Impulsive buying is not an easy problem to get rid of, it is getting bigger and bigger of a problem, which needs to be solved, before it escelades.

Pollution to a Visitor...

If I were toexplain pollution to a visitor from outer space, I would start with global warming because it is currently one of the biggest problems that deals with pollution. I would tell them that almost everything we use pollutes bad air into our atmosphere, which is bad because it creates abnormal atmosphere things to happen to our mother earth. I would also tell examples of what could happen, such as the glaciers melting, and the rise in the ocean levels all around the air. Another problem would be that pollution in the air is bad, because we breath in that air, and it can cause cancer or affect our lungs. Next I would go around driving them, to show them how dirty our streets are, because of people loitering, or are just too lazy to throw away their trash in a trash can. Then I would take them to our oceans, to show them how polluted our seas are, for example Catalina Islands, has one of the dirtiest shores in the west. I would tell them that this is bad, because it kills our marine life, and some of our marine life is rare. Last I would explain to them that if it gets worse, then our mother earth would end sooner, so I would tell them to lend us some of their smartness to help us solve this problem.

Compare/Contrast "Colored Girls" and "Out Of Our Fathers House"...

                Compare and Contrast Essay
The films “Colored Girls” and “Out Of Our Fathers House,” both share similarities, but at the same time express very different messages. In “Colored Girls,” the film is about African American women who had to go through many hurdles and still get through everyday life. Although in the film “Out Of Our Fathers House,” it explains how many women suffered to get equality and get the same or at least similar rights as men had in the early 1900’s. While these two films sound different, they have similarities in different ways such as: what they fought for in both films and how they acted similarly in both films.
The two films are different in many ways, because they have different settings, and talk about two different subjects. In “Colored Girls,” African American women describe their daily lives, and all the bad things they have to go through. They explained how they have to take care of their children as single mothers, while their husbands could be fighting in the Vietnam War. Another obstacle that they explained was that they had to put up with their husbands mistreating them, and sometimes mistreated their children as well. This is different from “Out Of Our Fathers House” because in this film the time period is in the early 1900’s, unlike “Colored Girls” which was in the 1970’s. It is also different because the women in this film are explaining something completely different, which is suffrage. They explained they wanted to get the same rights as men, because they deserved equality for women as well. These are the two main reasons that I think mostly separate these two films.
While these two films have differences, they also have similarities between them. One way that these two films are similar is that they both show women having to fight through many things to overcome obstacles, and which in both films one of those obstacles is men. Also these two films are similar because they way they were shot, in the beginning each woman in both films have a turn each to say their speech’s, but in the end they all come together and talk as a group. Last one of the most important similarities of both films was the message they sent to their audience, which was no matter what time period or how many rights women might have, they still have to go through more obstacles in life than men might have to fight for.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Without Computers...

Now in days, almost everyone has a computer with them, or in their home. We are in a technological age where people need computers to work, research, or meet people. There are also hand held computers now, which are called smart phones. Although if we were to be one day without a computer, then I think people would not know what to do. Some people's lives depend on and revolve around computers. A day without a computer would be hectic, because people would not be able to communicate, or send things to eachother. This would cause a lot of traffic and commotion on the road and streets. For most people that day would be sad and boring, they would not be able to text or talk to their friends, or get on the internet to chat on Facebook, Myspace, Or Skype. People use these internet sites and programs daily just to chat about anything tho their family or about friends. There are also people that would need to do school work on their computer, and they would not be able to because the absense of computers. This would ,ake our main computers to also shut down, that run some of the most important thing in the country. This would cause a lot of crime that day. I think a day without computers should never come.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Good Driver...

There are many ways to be a good driver, but there are some that must do and know to become a good driver. First is to search for your nearest or driving school, to see if they provide any driver's education classes. Those classes are really helpful, they teach you all the rules of the road, and give you tips on how to be a good driver. At the end of the class they give you  the option of also taking a class behind the wheel, with an actual teacher that sits next to you. This is great because, it gives you experience on the road, and also if you make a mistake then the teacher is there to correct you. Another great way to be a good driver when your actually on the road is to be aware of your surroundings. This is necessarynto be a good driverbecause the road is unpredictable, you may be watching the road at one time, then in the next second, a car crash might have happened. That is why you must use all the accessories your car brings; such as the rear view mirror, side view mirrors, and last some cars have cameras in the back now to help you see whats behind your car. These are all great tips that you should do, to become a good driver on the road.

My Favorite Sport's Figure...

One of my favorite sport figures is named Ronaldinho. He plays my favorite sport which is soccer. He was born in Brazil, and as a young child loved the sport of soccer. As young as he could walk, he started to play soccer. He was poor, so with any soccer ball he had, he tried to make it last as long as possible. With that soccer ball, he mastered the art of soccer. His family knew, that he was going to be a soccer star, which they were right. He first played for a club in Brazil, which was when the rest of the world got to see Ronaldinho. After a soccer club in Europe called Paris Saint- Germain was interested in him, which he played in. From then on he revolutionizd the way of playing soccer. He came-up with new tricks, methods, and different plays that no one had ever seen before. Then a famous spanish soccer club named Bacrelona signed him on. He carried them to many championships, until fianlly after several championships and seasons, he went to A.C. Mialn. A.C Milan is another great soccer team in Italy, which he is currently playing in. He is much older now, but is still a great soccer player that always stands out in the field.


I think what seperates me from everyone else, are the characteristics that I have. The characteristics that I go by are: being respectful to everyone, honest, caring, and being happy. This is what seperates me from from everyone else. Other people might have the same characteristics as me, but it is the why that you follow them, and act upon your characteristics that you go by. My first characteristic is being respectful; a lot of people might think that by being respectful to someone is just being nice to them. Although to me, it is different, I respect everyone, even if I do  not know them, because it is not right to stereotype someone without even knowing them. When you get to them, they might even end up being your bestfriend or soul mare. Next is being honest, I am honest because it is not right to lie. I believe that if you lie, it will come back to haunt you in the future, that is why it is better just to say the truth. I am also caring, I care about people, because I am just a nice person. Last is I am always happy. I do not like being mad or sad, because it can change your mood, and ruin many things for you. These are the characteristics that make me up, Alex.

Pride In One's Work...

Having people in your work, is necessary to doing a good job on anything your doing. When you have pride in your work, you have confidence that your doing your best, and that no one could put you down. Pride in your work is being proud about what you did, and not being embarrassed about showing everyone what you did. Even if your work might not be as best as others, you would still be confident in your work, because you have pride in it. Having people in your work, is like feeling that no one or nothing in the world, can beat you. This feeling is great, and I think everyone should experience this feeling at least once, the feeling of being unstoppable. If you do not have pride in your work, then you would feel disappointed in yourself. This affects your mood, and could make you feel bad for quite a while. It also would make you feel embarrassed about your work, instead of showing it to everyone, you would try to hide, so no one could see it. That is why I think everyone should have pride in their work, to feel great about themselves, and of what they accomplished.

Meaning of Diversity...

The meaning of diversity is everything. Diversity is needed to create peace in the world. When there isn't any diversity in the world, there would be a lot of tension and dispute between many people. As in now, there are still many racist groups that wish the world not to be diverse. These groups think that their color or race or their people, are better than others. This is not the right thing to do, because no matter what color a person is, we are all equal. A good example of diversity in the world, is when an annual event occurs, called the Aids Walk. This event is to bring people of all kinds of backgrounds, to walk and raise money to find a cure for a deadly disease called Aids. This event is great because it attracts  people from all over the world, they can be Caucasian, African-American, Asian, or European. This is diversity, it is to integrate people from everywhere in one place or event. Although sadly, many people do not like the word or the meaning of diversity. I think we should strive more to bring more diversity to the world, so that everyone could be happy, and get along. Diversity is a good thing, that should not be stopped, but should be continued, and never stopped.


The word cooperation means everything without it, life would be very stressful than it already is. It is a skill that must be learned, because not all people can naturally cooperate with other people. You need it in almost anything you do work, play a sport, or simply complete a task. Without cooperation, everyone would not be on the same page as each other, which just means a lot of confusion everywhere. When there is confusion, especially in a work area, creates stress. Once one person is stressed they start yelling at everyone else, and getting everyone else stressed, causing commotion. A;though on the flip side, when you cooperate with all your co-workers, the atmosphere is nice and friendly. When the mood is like this you can get to accomplish all your tasks and even complete more than you have to, all because of cooperation with one another. You do not just use in a work environment, but also in sports. In every sport you need to cooperate with your teammates, to make the right decisions to win a game. All throughout life cooperation is needed, there is almost nothing that cooperation is not needed. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How to End A Relationship...

If you want to end a relationship, the best thing to do is to talk to the person you are ending the relationship with. You have to let that person know how you feel, express yourself. At first it might be hard to do it because that person might not want the relationship to end. If the person wants to end it as well it will not be hard. For me it would be hard to end a relationship because I have never done that before. I guess it would just be best that you talk truthfully and let the other person know how you feel and just let it all out. Let's just hope that it does not end bad because then you will not want see each other not even by painting. If you are ending a relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend they usually just stay friends afterwards. If you want it to end well you should not be aggressive about it and just be calm and truthful. This is how I would act if I was ending a relationship with either my friend or girlfriend.

Causes and Effects of Prejudice...

A prejudice is a prejudgment. It can an assumption made about someone or something before having adequate knowledge to be able to do so with guaranteed accuracy. The word prejudice is most commonly used to refer to a preconceived judgment toward a people or a person because of race, social class, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics. It also means beliefs without knowledge of the facts and may include "any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence." There are alot of people who are prejudice towards other. It is wrong to do this. They should never judge a book by its cover. If a person judges others they are just harming themselves. You cannot assume how a person is with out knowing them. Once you get to know a person fully you will have a different mind set. The best thing to do is to first get to know the person then you can see how they really are. You will not know until you give it a try.

Cast V.S. Dogs...

The cat, also known as the domestic cat or housecat[5] to distinguish it from other felines and felids, is a small furry domesticated carnivorous mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and for its ability to hunt vermin and household pests. Cats have been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years, and are currently the most popular pet in the world. Owing to their close association with humans, cats are now found almost everywhere on Earth. Cats hear sounds too faint for human ears, they can also hear sounds higher in frequency than humans can perceive. This is because cats' usual prey make high frequency noises, so cats' hearing has evolved to pinpoint these faint high-pitched sounds. Cats rely more on smell than taste, and have a vastly better sense of smell than humans. The dog is a domesticated form of the gray wolf, a member of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. The term is used for both feral and pet varieties. The domestic dog has been the most widely kept working, hunting and companion animal in human history. The word "dog" may also mean the male of a canine species, as opposed to the word "bitch" for the female of the species. Over the 15,000 year span that the dog had been domesticated, it diverged into only a handful of landraces, groups of similar animals whose morphology and behavior have been shaped by environmental factors and functional roles. As the modern understanding of genetics developed, humans began to intentionally breed dogs for a wide range of specific traits.

Compare and Contrasting Formal/ Unfromal Dessing...

Formal wear is the general terms for clothing suitable for formal social events, such as a wedding, formal garden party or dinner, débutante cotillion, dance, or race. The Western style of formal evening dress, characterized by black and white garments, has spread through many countries; it is almost always the standard formal social dress in countries without a formal national costume. A dress code is a set of rules governing a certain combination of clothing; some examples are black tie and morning dress. Formal dress is the grouping of all the dress codes which govern clothes worn to formal events. The traditional rules that govern men's formal dress are strictly observed from these derive the evening dress variants worn on many occasions, such as high school prom dances, formal dances, and entertainment industry award programs. Informal attire, also called International business attire or Western business attire is a dress code, typified by a suit and necktie, for men. On the scale of formality, informal attire is more formal than casual but less formal than semi-formal. It is more presentational than semi-casual, but offers more room for personal expression than semi-formal dress. Informal should not be confused with casual, not even smart casual in loose common usage, many people refer to informal dress as semi-formal or formal and formal dress as very formal; this usage is not accepted by authorities on dress codes.

Compare and Contrasting Raw/Coooked Foods...

Raw foodism, or also known as rawism, is a lifestyle promoting the consumption of uncooked, unprocessed, and often organic foods as a large percentage of the diet. Raw foodists typically believe that the greater the percentage of raw food in the diet, the greater the health benefits. Raw foodism or a raw diet is usually equated with raw veganism in which only raw plant foods are eaten. Depending on the type of lifestyle and results desired, raw food diets may include a selection of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds (including sprouted whole grains such as gaba rice), eggs, fish (such as sashimi), meat (such as carpaccio), and non-pasteurized and non-homogenized dairy products (such as raw milk, raw milk cheese, and raw milk yogurt). Cooking is the process of preparing food with heat. Cooks select and combine ingredients using a wide range of tools and methods. In the process, the flavor, texture, appearance, and chemical properties of the ingredients can change. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world, reflecting unique environmental, economic, and cultural traditions. Cooks themselves also vary widely in skill and training.

Compare and Contrasting Public Schooling/Homeschooling...

State schools, also known in the United States and Canada as public schools, are schools mandated for or offered to all children by the government, whether national, regional, or local, provided by an institution of civil government, and paid for, in whole or in part, by State taxes. Homeschooling or homeschool, also called home education or home learning, is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community, homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to private schools outside the home or educational institutions operated by civil governments. Homeschooling is a legal option for parents in all 50 United States and some countries to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the home. Parents cite numerous reasons as motivations to homeschool, including better academic test results, poor public school environment, improved character and morality development, the expense of private education, and objections to what is taught locally in public school. It may be a factor in the choice of parenting style. Homeschooling is also an alternative for families living in isolated rural locations or living temporarily abroad.

Comparing and Contrasting Sweet/Spicy Foods...

A spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetative substance used in nutritionally insignificant quantities as a food additive for flavor, color, or as a preservative that kills harmful bacteria or prevents their growth. In the kitchen, spices are distinguished from herbs, which are leafy, green plant parts used for flavoring. Piquance or piquancy is a type of pungence specific to the sense of taste. Piquance is often quantized in scales that range from mild to hot. The Scoville scale measures the piquance of chili peppers, as defined by the amount of capsaicin they contain. It is not considered a taste in the technical sense, because it is carried to the brain by a different set of nerves. While taste nerves are activated when consuming foods like chili peppers, the sensation commonly interpreted as "hot" results from the stimulation of somatosensory fibers in the mouth. Many parts of the body with exposed membranes that lack taste receptors produce a similar sensation of heat when exposed to pungent agents. Confectionery is the set of food items that are rich in sugar, any one or type of which is called a confection. Modern usage may include substances rich in artificial sweeteners as well. Confectionery items include sweets, lollipops, candy bars, chocolate, candy floss, and other sweet items of snack food. The term does not generally apply to cakes, biscuits, or puddings which require cutlery to consume, although exceptions such as petit fours or meringues exist. Speakers of American English do not refer to these items as "candy".

How Weather Can Change Your Mood...

Weather is the state of the atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. Most weather phenomena occur in the troposphere, just below the stratosphere. Weather refers, generally, to day to day temperature and precipitation activity, whereas climate is the term for the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. Mood is a relatively long lasting emotional state. Moods differ from simple emotions in that they are less specific, less intense, and less likely to be triggered by a particular stimulus or event. Moods generally have either a positive or negative valence. In other words, people typically speak of being in a good mood or a bad mood. I do believe that when the weather is cold or rainy, most people feel mad, sad, or depressed. When the weather is good, such as warm or no too cold, people tend to be more in a good mood because they get to do more things and they can enjoy the outdoors.

Comparing and Contrasting Understanding/Knowledge...

Understanding, also called intellection, is a psychological process related to an abstract or physical object, such as a person, situation, or message whereby one is able to think about it and use concepts to deal adequately with that object. An understanding is the limit of a conceptualization. To understand something is to have conceptualized it to a given measure. Knowledge is defined as expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education, the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject, what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information; or also the awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation. Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive processes: perception, learning, communication, association and reasoning. When you understand something is when you have been taught and you get it. Knowledge has already been with you and you can apply it to something.

An Interesting Person...

The most interesting person I know is my Uncle Yocundo. To me he is the best uncle in the world. I do not get to see him often because he lives in Mexico. When we are around him he is filled with joy because he likes it when we go with him up to the mountains to milk the cows. After he finished milking the cows, he gathers all of us around and he tells us stories. We all stay alert and not one word comes out of our mouths. His stories are so interesting. To bad he only tells us a few, but we always end up wanting to listen to more stories. I find it so interesting that he has the patience for all of us. I am one of the oldest because the rest are younger and happen to be his grandchildren. On our way back home he lets us all drive. I drove the farthest because I am the the oldest. I have learned to drive because of him. I cannot wait until I see him again this December so that I can hear more of his interesting stories.

Most Effective Teacher...

The most effective teacher I have had was in the second grade. She was a very helpful teacher and I learned a lot form her. I was about to get flunked in the first grade because I did not know how to read. My mom begged to the teacher and she told her that she will make me learn how to read. She gave me a chance and she did not flunk me. My second grade teacher taught me how to read. At the end of the school year, I was able to read chapter books all by myself. My mom and my teacher were very proud of me. I also learned how to multiply up to three digit numbers. She would help any student that had problems with anything. She took her time. If a student did not get it right away she would set time before or after school just to help you out so that you can get what you did not understood. She was also a very creative teacher and she would assign us projects that were fun and also helped us learn more. I had her for two years, and those two years were incredible!

Not Enough Sleep...

Many people nowadays do not get the proper amount of sleep they should be getting. They get so caught up with their favorite late night talk shows or just because they are talking on the phone, texting, or using the computer. If you are a student, it will affect you greatly. When a student goes to sleep late, the next day in class they feel sleepy and they do not pay attention in class. This affect them academically because since they do not listen to the teacher as they are giving their lecture, they will do poorly on their assignments and tests. Having a good night sleep will help them have a fresh start in the morning and they will be able to absorb all the information the teacher is ready to lecture on. It goes the same for those that go to work early in the morning. They will not be alert on their work and it is possible that if they keep that up they might get fired and then they will start to have economic problems in the future. This is why it is important to get a good night's sleep so that the next day you can be fresh and ready to start a new day.

Favorite Movie...

My favorite movie is The Hangover, which came out in 2009. It is an American comedy film starring Bradley Cooper, Justin Bartha, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis as the four main characters. There is a couple that is getting married and the groom and his two friends and soon to be brother-in-law decide to go to Las Vegas for his bachelor's party. They get to Las Vegas and they go on the roof of their hotel room and they decide to cheer for the groom and have some alcohol. Little did they know that the groom's brother-in-law put in roofies, also known as Rohypnol, so that made them forget all the crazy things they did that night. The next morning they find that the groom is missing so the rest of the three go out to find him. As they are looking for him, they discover all the crazy things they do and every clue helps to find the groom. There adventure is fun-filled. They go from finding a baby in their hotel closet, to having a tiger in the bathroom. At the end they discover that the groom is in the roof. The wedding is taking place that same day. They drive back to their home and they make it just in time for the wedding. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Learning A New Language...

I will be spending a year abroad and I was told that I need to learn a new language to be able to communicate with he people there. They happen to be French, so now I have to learn how to speak French fluently. I only know how to say hello, thank you and please in French. I most definitely need to learn this language fast! I will start searching for a French teacher who can teach me how to speak French. Hopefully this will help me out. If the teacher is not helpful, I will take French courses in a school. I was also thinking of buying those DVDs and audio tapes that help you learn how to speak a language, but I do not know if that will help me out. I will try all three methods. I would make sure to spend most of my time learning to speak French. That will mean that I have to make up a schedule for everyday so that I can be organized. These would be my plans to accomplish my goal of learning how to speak fluent French.

Music Video...

My favorite music video is "Y Que Quede Claro" by La Arrolladora Banda El Limon. I like this song because it is a love song. It is a really cute video. The video starts off with two couples in bed. The alarm clock goes on, and it is now time for them to get up. They get in the bills and they barely have money to pay for the bills. The girl is washing clothes and the guy is next to her drinking a cup of coffee thinking about something that is bothering him, perhaps the fact that they need money to survive. They go eat to this taco place, and later that night he cannot sleep because he is thinking too much about their economic problems. The next morning he finds out that his wife is pregnant. He immediately has a huge smile on his face. They start saving money and everyday they put in money into a jar. Later on he decides to go ask for a job at the taco place where he and his wife had gone to that one night. That same day his wife goes into labor, and the neighbor immediately tell him that she went to the hospital. He quickly goes into the house to get the jar of money and runs to the hospital. He finds that he does not have enough money to pay the hospital, so he goes and asks the owner of the taco stand if he can lend him some money. The man helps him out. The last part of the video is when the wife is in the hospital bed with the husband and the nurse brings in the baby. The husband kisses his wife in the forehead and they both look at the baby.

A Teenage Fad...

A teenage fad that is going on right now is the use of skinny jeans. It is used by both females and males. I recently started using them. I find them to be stylish and they look nice when you wear them with dressy shoes, Vans, or Nike's. I believe they became popular because they all of a sudden came out in the store and someone bought them, then someone saw that person and they went to go buy some. After that everyone had at least one pair of skinny jeans in their closet. I also believe that woman and girls wear them because they look feminine, not like the regular jeans that are wide from the bottom. I still wear those because I believe they look nice. I tend not to get to involved with the trends because I feel that it is not me. I prefer to dress however I want to. Everywhere I go, I mostly see all girls with skinny jeans. I have only seen a couple guys with skinny jeans on, but I think that they should not wear them due to the fact that they are tight. I do not know that is just my opinion.

Relationships Between People and Animals...

There are many people that spend a great time with animals. To some people, they consider animals to be like people or their best friends. Like they always say, a man's best friend is a dog. I have seen in some occasions that some people see their pets like if they were their sons or daughters. Others like to help animals because they have no shelter or home. The relationship between a person and an animal can be really great. Some people cannot live without their pets. They take them everywhere they go. One time when I was at the park I saw that this lady had her dog in a dog stroller. In my mind I was," That is crazy!" I had never seen nothing like that. I have only had a relationship with animals once. I had a goldfish once, but it died. I used to feed it when it was the proper time, clean its tank, and I would also pet it. I enjoyed having a goldfish, it was a nice experience. If you ever experience on having a relationship with an animal, you will enjoy it greatly.

My Favorite Desert...

As I was thinking of this, I definitely imagined something with chocolate. It all came to me! I imagined a chocolate chip waffle topped with jamoca almond fudge ice cream topped with hot fudge, almond pieces, whipped cream and a cherry on the top. I can imagine it right now and my mouth gets so watery. I have tried these things individually, so why not try them both together. That would make such a good combo. After I finish doing this blog I will go try it out and see if it is good. Im so hungry now! I can imagine the hot fudge running through the ice cream, the waffle then when it hits the plate itself. Hearing the whipped cream getting sprayed on the ice cream makes my ears tingle. The waffle with crunch once I bite it. It will sure have a wonderful taste, every bite will be chocolately. This is how my luscious and decadent dessert would be like.

No Cellphones...

Approximately 4.6 billion people own a cell phone worldwide. All these 4.6 billion people would not have a cell phone if they did not exist today. I think that many people today would be devastated because there are alot of people who depend on their phone for personal or business use. Modern life would be different because there would be no way to communicate if you were out. In case of an emergency they will not be able to contact you and you will not know. You will end up knowing once you get home. If there were no cell phones, there would not be any texting either. Teenagers now a day text like there is no tomorrow. Without texting, I wonder what would do they do. It is kind of better though because that way they can communicate in person and not by text. But we do need cell phones to communicate with people in case of an emergency. Life would be so much different if cell phones did not exist.

Foreign Country...

I have always wanted to go to Spain. It seems like a very amazing country. I would like to go travel and see all the wonderful places. I also want to go see the bullfights, all the old buildings, and the schools. I was looking at some pictures and it seems like the ocean over there is very beautiful. It is always nice to go visit places where you have never been too. It is known to be a tourist country so many people go every year to visit. The bullfights are the events that get my attention more because I have been to some in Mexico and they are very interesting and fun to watch. Spain is very known for bullfights so I know that they will be very fun filled. I also want to try the cuisines in Spain, experience the rich flavor of the food Spaniards eat. It is always good to try new good from other places. I hope that one day I do get to go to Spain and get to experience all the fun things to do and see in Spain.

Outer State...

You are going to attend college in another state. There are many things you have to do before you move out. First of all, you have to find a place to stay in in the other state, unless you are going to stay at the college. You would also have to find a job in order to be able to pay for college, that is not if your parents are paying for it or you have scholarships or grants. You also need the money to pay for food, toiletries, and even gas if you are driving a car. After you have a place and a job on the other state, you have to get your stuff from here to the other state. You have to be sure that you really want to go to the other state and be sure to have motivation that you will make it out there because if you are not sure you will quit and you plans will go down the drain. I just wish you good luck in the future.

Los Ochentas...

If I could live during any decade I would like to live during the 80's. There were many amazing and tragic things that happened during this time. In 1980, John Lennon was assassinated. At this time Mount St. Helens also erupted. That toy every kid had made of different color cubes called the Rubik's cube became very popular among everyone. Ted Turner also established CNN. In 1981 they tried to assassinate both the Pope and U.S. President Ronald Reagan. We had never imagined that Sandra Day O'Connor would ever be appointed to the supreme court and it did happen this year. That was such a good accomplishment for her. That year a new plague was identified as AIDS. Pac-Man also became extremely popular among the kids and adults. IBM introduced personal computers. In entertainment, E.T. was released in theaters and Michael Jackson released Thriller. Cabbage Patch Kids became popular among kids. Sally Ride became the first American woman in space. In 1985, the new Coke hit the market. This year as well the wreck of the Titanic was found. I would have liked to live in other decades, but for some reason I found this one very interesting.

Bestfreinds Birthday...

If I were to celebrate my best friend's birthday I would first have to know what she likes. For example, her favorite color, her favorite food, beverages she enjoys drinking and also what cake she likes the best. I would inform all her family and friends that I was throwing a party for my best friend. I would then find the perfect place to have the party where all her family and friends will be able to enjoy it with her. After that I would go buy the decorations on the color my best friend likes, and also get forks, plates, napkins, and spoons. The day of the birthday party I would fix everything very early and since it would be a surprise, I would personally go pick her up and tell her if she wanted to chill but first we had to go do something. It would be amazing to see her face when we all scream," Surprise!" The music will be played and the party will start! What an amazing time we will all have. It will be a party that my best friend will always remember.

Appreciating Your Parents...

I really thank my parents for giving me birth. My parents have been with me ever since year one, and they have guided me to a successful path. They are both hard workers and they have given me what I needed. They have also been in the good and bad times, making me feel better. I am very thankful that they have provided a roof over my head and have given me food and things that I need. I really love my parents they are the best ever! My parents have gone through many things and they have struggled to feed not only me but also my brother and sisters. They both work everyday, sweating a tear each minute of the day. Without my parents I think I would not be able to survive. They have given me the strength to continue in life and achieve my goal of becoming an elementary teacher. Whenever I have a problem they are always there to help me and I really appreciate that. They have done so much for me and I really thank God for having such wonderful parents.

Article About A Person...

There was this new guy from Mexico that just arrived from Zacatecas, Mexico a week ago. I was personally asked to write an article about him since he is new. First of all, the first thing on the article would would be his name, Victor Hernandez. I would ask him for his information such as the year and date when he was born, his age, what city and country he came from and where he was born at. I would also ask him what are some of his favorite hobbies, his favorite color, food, beverage, and also why not how many brothers and sisters he has. I would also like to include what he wants to become when he grows up, the job in which he wants to succeed in. It would also be a great idea to include quotes from his family members telling us what a wonderful person Victor is. In the article I will also include pictures of him with his family members. These would be the things I would include in the article.

Preserving Family...

If I wanted to know how to preserve our family history, I would talk to my parents and my two grandmothers. I would tell them what are some of the traditions they perform year long, such as in holidays, birthdays or any other special occasions. I would also ask if there is something that has been passed down from generation to generation, such as something valuable or even a recipe that was made by my ancestors. Something else I would ask is if they had any stories or myths that were told about nature or something else. After they tell me all the traditions they do, I would try to follow them and when I have children I would encourage them to follow them as well. In some cases some of the traditions die and they are not passed to the next generations. If this was the case with my family I would try to revive these traditions and practice them. I am pretty sure that my parents would be proud of me if I were to do this. Preserving family traditions are important.

The Right College...

In order for you to choose the right college, you have to see what they offer at the college. You have to consider your major and see if they have a good program for your major. It also has to do if you like the school, the campus, and where the location is found. Money is also something you have to look at because the college might be expensive and you might not have enough money to go to that school. You can get scholarships or grants to help pay for it. I would say that you would know if a college is right for you because you will get that feeling that will make you want to go there. For example, I want to go to Dominguez Hills and major in history to become an elementary teacher. The main field at Dominguez Hills is teaching so it a good school for me to attend and I like that it is actually close to my house so it is convenient for me. You will eventually know the right college to attend.

Making My Community A Better Place...

To make my community a better place, it would be best that we all cooperate with each other. It would be nice that we made up a club that anyone would join to help out. If my community was dirty and there was trash on the streets or other public places I would then like for us to dedicate one day of the week to go out and clean those places. To keep the children away from violence it would be a good idea to get the kids involved in sports or clubs that will get their interest. This can also be applied to adults so that way they can be occupied or help out in the clubs. Basically it would be fundamental that we all worked together and pitch in to make our community a better place to live in.