Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pride In One's Work...

Having people in your work, is necessary to doing a good job on anything your doing. When you have pride in your work, you have confidence that your doing your best, and that no one could put you down. Pride in your work is being proud about what you did, and not being embarrassed about showing everyone what you did. Even if your work might not be as best as others, you would still be confident in your work, because you have pride in it. Having people in your work, is like feeling that no one or nothing in the world, can beat you. This feeling is great, and I think everyone should experience this feeling at least once, the feeling of being unstoppable. If you do not have pride in your work, then you would feel disappointed in yourself. This affects your mood, and could make you feel bad for quite a while. It also would make you feel embarrassed about your work, instead of showing it to everyone, you would try to hide, so no one could see it. That is why I think everyone should have pride in their work, to feel great about themselves, and of what they accomplished.

1 comment:

  1. You have some minor errors but otherwise you make a good point.
