Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Making a New Friend...

There are millions of ways to make a new friend. Some ways to make a new friend is by being friendly to everyone, and not being shy to introduce yourself to a new crowd. When you introduce youself to new crowds, and keep on talking is them, they are going to become your friends. Another way to make new friends is to be helpful to someone, when they need help. Although the most popular way currently is to be involved ina social netwrok such as Facebook or Myspace. Too many people it is better because it is faster and easier to them, to talk to them on the internet. On the other side I do not recommend that because  it takes away the experience of actually meeting the person face to face. That is why I think the best way to make a new friend is to personally go up to them, and introduce yourself to make it a better experience. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on how there is a million ways to make a new friend!
