Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Good Driver...

There are many ways to be a good driver, but there are some that must do and know to become a good driver. First is to search for your nearest or driving school, to see if they provide any driver's education classes. Those classes are really helpful, they teach you all the rules of the road, and give you tips on how to be a good driver. At the end of the class they give you  the option of also taking a class behind the wheel, with an actual teacher that sits next to you. This is great because, it gives you experience on the road, and also if you make a mistake then the teacher is there to correct you. Another great way to be a good driver when your actually on the road is to be aware of your surroundings. This is necessarynto be a good driverbecause the road is unpredictable, you may be watching the road at one time, then in the next second, a car crash might have happened. That is why you must use all the accessories your car brings; such as the rear view mirror, side view mirrors, and last some cars have cameras in the back now to help you see whats behind your car. These are all great tips that you should do, to become a good driver on the road.

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