Sunday, October 24, 2010


The Internet is a vast, never ending space, also known as cyberspace. Although it consists of two kinds of people, the users and the providers. The purposes of the Internet for the users, are a long list, but for the popular ones are for entertainment, research, and sometimes for money. When I mean by entertainment, it has its own list. In these days there are all types of entertainment on the Internet, which the most popular are social networks, such as Facebook and MySpace. Both are well known throughout the world, they entertain people because they let you have contact with your friends as well. Another type of entertainment on the Internet is television. If you miss an episode of your favorite show, you can watch it on the Internet to catch up. Those are two major types of entertainment, now research; many use the Internet for school or for pure curiosity of wanting to find something out. Last is to make money, the Internet can give a normal person to be an entrepreneur. A famous website for doing this is EBay; they let you sell new and used things all across the world from your home. That is the power of the Internet, and what it can do for the users. The products are the people that supply the Internet with all these different types of websites. Their main concern is for their website to become popular, so that they could get more money. Although not all, some are non-profit organizations that just make websites to inform or show the public something, such as a cause to help animals. Users and providers are the people that make the Internet up, that is constantly growing.

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