Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting Your License at 16...

                                           Essay Prompt # 3
 Prompt: Most states allow people to get a driver’s license at the age of 16. Some people feel that 16 is much too young for the responsibility that comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not be allowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what age should people be allowed to drive, and why?
             Driving is a privilege that is earned. Everyone that has a license has earned it, even if your 16, by law you are eligible to drive. Teenagers are always criticized, when their behind the wheel, just because they might be 16. I do not think being 16 has anything to do with your driving which is why the DMV tests you, to see if you can handle driving a car. Also, once teenagers hit 16, is when they start having more priorities, such as work, school, and maybe sports. To do all this they might need a car, because for some teenagers that is the only option they have. Sixteen, in my opinion is the perfect age to get a license.
            Teenagers get criticized the most on the road. I think this is unfair because everyone went through the same process of getting your license and getting your first car. I myself am a teen that drives, and when I drive, I pay attention to the road, but older people have tried to cause problems just because I am young. I think this is another reason that some accidents happen, teenagers just like other people on the road want to be safe as well. Although when accidents happen, everyone thinks that the younger person did it for not paying attention, or for being foolish. Most of the time this is not the case and situations like this put a bad reputation for teenagers on the road.
            To get a license is not a simple process of going to the DMV and signing up for one. You have to first go to take classes at any driving school, for a whole week, nine hours a day, until they give a certificate that you passed the class. After you have to take that to the DMV and take a written test, which you only have three chances to pass. If passed then you have to wait six months to finally take your behind the wheel test. Don’t you think this process is enough to proof you can drive? I do, the whole process takes about a year, and all tens that drive went through this process as well. Anyone not only teens that went through this of getting their license, should be respected on the road.
             During the last two years of high school, teenagers have many more priorities on their shoulders. For example, the most important is getting to school, not all the students in every school live near it, some live far. Those students have to take multiple buses to get to school, which sometimes cause them to arrive late. That is why many teens cannot wait till they get their license, so that they can finally get to school on time. Teenagers have many needs that involve the using of a vehicle.
             For some people, letting teenagers get licenses at 16 might seem too young, but it is not. Teenagers deserve more respect on the road from everyone, because they earned their license. Some teens depend on their cars, without it they wouldn’t be able to succeed. Don’t take away what they depend on, it could be their future that you jeopardize!

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