Sunday, October 24, 2010


The way we communicate now, has changed dramatically as we use to twenty years ago. The only way we could communicate twenty years ago was by letter, phone, or you would actually have to go speak to the person. Now there are all sorts of communication devices that help us communicate such as cell phones, Internet, cameras, video games, and computers. With these devices you can chat around the world instantly, when twenty years ago, it would take a week or so for your letter to arrive around the world. Although as always, there are some bad parts to it, these devices are not that affordable, and some people become addicted to the types of communication, which sometimes causes them to lose their jobs. Another problem that is becoming more popular, is that people are losing their skills to talk face to face with another person, because their use to only talking via computer or phone. This is bad because, when you need a job, you will most likely get interviewed, but if you do not know how to talk properly to another person, you will not get hired. Last is texting, texting has created a whole new type of language, which shortens words or spells a word in a different manner. When your use to this, it sticks to you, and makes you even write like that, which is improper way of writing. I think that communications now are much better than before, but the problems that they are causing aren’t good for the people.

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