Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brothers and Sisters...

When it comes to brothers and sisters, there has always been a dispute between them. Most of the time is between the smaller sibling and the older sibling because the older sibling either did something to the younger sibling or vise versa. I think the main problem is because of the age difference. When you are younger you tend to be more on your parents side, and do everything they tell you, such as their "little angel." When it comes to a teenager, it is completely different because they do not like toys anymore, but are into more mature things, like hobbies. Although sometimes this is not the case, because some brothers and sisters do get along. Otherwise I think the best way to solve this problem is just to do more family activities. When you do this it brings the family together, and puts all the differences aside. In the other hand it is not a good idea to force things because then it can come back to haunt you by making things worse between them. In the end I think there just always going to be a barrier between little siblings or older siblings.

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