Thursday, November 18, 2010


                                                  Essay Prompt #6
Prompt: According to some health organizations, many foods on our grocery store shelves are made with genetically modified ingredients. Most of these foods, however, do not have a GMO (genetically modified organism) label. Do you think there should be a law requiring manufacturers to label foods containing GMO’S? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
Do you ever wonder if our foods are healthy or natural like they say they are? Today with all the advancement in technology, we are able to make artificial foods, as if they were real. We are also able to speed up the growth process of animals, to be bigger and fatter, for our demands of today. It is said that most of this is done by injecting or putting genetically modified organisms (also known as GMO’S) into the animals to help them grow bigger. I think this is bad because we do not know what the manufacturers are putting into the animals, and are not even providing us with notifications of foods containing genetically modified organisms.
During the years, we have advanced greatly in technology, not only in electronics, but also in foods. Half a century ago, there were not as many treats or foods as now. Now we have many foods that are made artificially, such as: chips, candies, and even look alike foods. These are made with special ingredients and special chemicals that make it look and taste just like a real food would look and taste. An example would be crab meat, there is an artificial crab meat that looks and tastes just like real crab meat would taste. This just comes to show how far we have come in the advancement of what we eat on an everyday basis.
Since we have a great demand in food, especially in beef and chicken, manufacturers are constantly trying to figure out ways to grow their livestock faster and bigger. They have succeeded by producing genetically modified organisms, and putting them into their livestock. They work almost as steroids for animals, to help them grow in size faster than a normal animal would grow in their life time. Much of the beef and chicken that is in the grocery stores have genetically modified organisms. Beef and chicken are one of the biggest products that contain genetically modified products, but there are also more eatable products that contain them.
The use of genetically modified products has created a big controversy, because no one knows what specific products have them and if their good for you or not. GMO’s in my opinion are a bad, because they hurt the animal when they get too big and cannot even support their own weight. Another reason is that the manufacturers have the right to not put labels on products that have GMOS’s. This should either be banned or make manufacturers put labels on products warning the people that have GMO’S. Not everyone would want to eat products that contain genetically modified organisms, for health or personal reasons.
I think everyone should have the right to know if what you’re eating is 100% natural, or contains some sort of genetically modified organism. Manufacturers in reality do not want to label their products because their just afraid of people not buying their products anymore. Although in the end I think this is wrong, and should be stopped for the animal’s health purposes, and also our own health purposes.

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